Human Design: How discovering I’m a Manifesting Generator was so helpful

Part of what I want to do here with my writing is share with you things I’m exploring, experimenting with and have been profoundly helpful to me. This is one of those things.

A while ago I came across a whole new body of understanding called Human Design. It was once of those ‘bumping intos’ that at first is just a ‘hey, that’s cool, must remember to do something with that’ and then promptly forgotten about as I moved onto the next thing that caught my attention.

But, as these things that are meant to cross our path have a tendency to do, it made a reappearance about a year later.

And this time I took notice.

I read one book, then another, then another, then completed a certification to understand it more deeply, and another….I have a whole heap to share with you on this in future posts, but today I felt moved to share with you why it speaks to me so deeply.

When I read my Type, I cried.

I discovered I am what is known as a Manifesting Generator.

You can find your Type here.

My soul has chosen this time, this place, this moment to arrive here in the physical world specifically to create things in the world of form. To build things. To bring the formless into form. I’m here to WORK. Here were the first tears.

You see I love working. I always have. And yet, I have continually received the message that I ‘work too much’. That there’s something somehow wrong with me, that I’m a workaholic, that I’m a bit sad really because of this. I have been ashamed of it, always talked to my mentors about strategies to ‘do less’. Taught this, even. While secretly my heart yearned to do more. When in fact my natural ability to create somethings out of nothings is my superpower. And that the human puzzle needs me, no requires me, to embrace this superpower. Like there was ever any stopping me.

I also discovered that as a Manifesting Generator, I can be very swift in my implementation (uh, yes) and my design is to be multi-passionate. If a Generator is like a Sunflower, with one beautiful huge flower, a Manifesting Generator is like one of the naturally branching Sunflowers with many smaller heads. More tears.

Somewhere along the way, I have been drawn to the message of DO ONE THING AND STICK WITH IT.

What do you mean you have studied German, French and Spanish, Economics, Psychology, classical guitar, travelled the world, worked with people with head injuries, been an Assistant Psychologist, studied Psychometric testing, emigrated (twice), worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers and the NHS, trained as a life coach and a graduate recruiter, trained as a business coach and a wedding cake designer, spent a year creating paper flowers, built and sold a seven-fig8ure software company, studied NLP, NVR and about a hundred other three-letter things, built an organisation helping people with anxiety and stress, sold tea for a while, danced for ten years, studied with all the teachers you could find in the Three Principles, worked as a business mentor, set up an ecommerce business, figured out how to grow cut flowers, run Facebook ads profitably, trained as as yoga teacher, set up a business building websites in a day, taken about a hundred courses on parenting, spent two years immersed in non-duality and now have taken up painting? Oh, and now Human Design?

Yes, and because of that journey, what I can now offer to the world when I create, guide and hold space for others is unique.

What do you mean, you want to quit your current successful business and start another?


Oh. Apparently nothing. I’m a Manifesting Generator :)

Again, my soul chose this time, this place, this moment to come here in order to do ALL of these things – and I’m only half-way done.

Permission to be the human I already am.


Human Design: How discovering my children are Projectors was so helpful


Feminine Energy in Business