About Me

My name is Nicola Bird.

I’m a mother, a wife, a sister and a daughter.

I’m a writer, painter, creator and mentor.

I’m the founder of The Floral Project, A Little Peace of Mind and The Sophia Network.

I’m 51, have a dog and three cats and discovered the joy of growing my own flowers during lockdown.

I yearn for simplicity, ease and grace. And a deeper connection to the people I love and the soil.

I’m in an exploration of feminine energy, motherhood, late diagnosis autism, human design, creativity and the power of writing to unfold our hearts.

None of this is who I am truly am, of course. So we might dive into that too.

If you have any questions about my work, please email hello@nicolabird.net.

I’m glad you found your way here.

Nicola x