Please see all upcoming trainings below.

Also available at all times are individual Human Design Readings and Masterclasses.

Seasonal Planning | The Themes of Summer

Seasonal Planning | The Themes of Summer

Friday 21st June - 12-1.30pm

Held on the day after  the Summer Solstice, this 90 minute workshop gives us an opportunity to reflect on the plans, projects and people we want to bring our awareness and action to over the coming season.

The Summer solstice represents the transition from action to nourishment, which is exactly what the Sun gives us during the long nights of summer, both to our actual gardens, but also to the continual journey we travel from darkness to light. We will embrace both and bring our whole lives (not just our gardens) to reflect upon during this time together.

I'll take you step-by-step through my own seasonal planning and together we'll craft our beautiful visions for the next 90 days that not only have practical action steps, but that we are also fully in alignment with.

The workshop will be held using Zoom so no need to travel - full instructions will be sent once you register.

If you can't make the call live, it will be recorded and sent to all of you that book a spot.

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Seasonal Planning | The Themes of Spring

Seasonal Planning | The Themes of Spring

Wednesday 20th March - 6.30-8pm

Held on the Spring Solstice, this 90 minute workshop gives us an opportunity to reflect on the plans, projects and people we want to bring our awareness and action to over the coming season.

The Solstice represents new life, light, planting seeds and new beginnings. As women, we are naturally cyclical rather than linear and as flower-growers, we start to see the ease that occurs when we move in line with the seasons. We will embrace both and bring our whole lives (not just our gardens) to reflect upon during this time together.

I'll take you step-by-step through my own seasonal planning and together we'll craft our beautiful visions for the next 90 days that not only have practical action steps, but that we are also fully in alignment with.

The workshop will be held using Zoom so no need to travel - full instructions will be sent once you register.

If you can't make the call live, it will be recorded and sent to all of you that book a spot.

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Embodying the Feminine - for Generators & Manifesting Generators

Embodying the Feminine - for Generators & Manifesting Generators

If your human design is that of a Generator or Manifesting Generator, you’ve likely been told your whole life to slow down and stop working so hard.

And if you’re a Manifesting Generator - pick ONE thing!

In this 60 minute workshop dedicated to the Generator and Manifesting Generator woman, we’ll explore how you can align with your design in a way that delights your feminine heart.

Places are limited to 12 and there will be no recording to allow for an intimate and honest discussion.

Please only book onto this workshop if you are a Generator or Manifesting Generator.

Not sure if you are? Create your Human Design chart here.

Monday, 11 March 2024, 7pm UK


Can’t attend on this date? Click here to find other available workshops for Manifesting Generators and Generators.

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