Soil & Stardust

An 8-week journey for women at mid-life who’ve outgrown their current lives and want to let go of the old to create the next chapter of their lives with a deeper authenticity, beauty and alignment.

“The journey into elderhood is a spiritual passage above all. and that the purpose of the second half of our lives is to grow into the person that we were always meant to become.”

— Sharon Blackie

Does this sound familiar?

You’re a woman at mid-life or beyond who has recently been through a period of disruption and you feel like your old life no longer fits the woman you are becoming. That might be menopause, divorce, empty nest, the loss of a parent or a life-changing illness. It might be a new marriage, children returning home again (!), moving country or changing your work. You feel out of alignment and unrooted.

You realise you’ve spent years living in a linear, rational, driven, ‘always-on’ ‘masculine’ energy and you’re exhausted but don’t know how to be any different.

You know you want this next chapter of your life to be different than what came before, but lack direction because you’ve lost your sense of purpose.

Alternatively, you DO know what the next chapter looks like but you lack the courage and aligned action plan  to step over the threshold and fully into it.

You feel a longing to be more true to your desires but fearful of the impact this might have on the other people in your life so you keep putting off making changes. You’ll do the thing… if you can figure out what the thing is…one day.

Over the course of 8 weeks, using the natural world as a metaphor, we will explore three themes:

The Universal: How can we put down strong, deep roots so we can remain unshakeable and strong? What is true for all for us? What is the quality of the dark soil in which we are all grounded?

The Embodied: What is true for us as women? How do we bring and fully express our feminine energy and desire for beauty into form? Because the earth is crying out for us. What is our relationship to being with the wisdom of our bodies rather than our heads?

The Unique: We turn to the branches reaching to and guided by the stars. The flowers and the fruit. What is true for us as individuals? Using the ancient wisdom and modern science of human design, how can we align more fully with what you uniquely came here to do and integrate everything we have learned to re-write our stories going forwards.

“Everything that slows us down and forces patience, everything that sets us back into the slow circles of nature, is a help.”

— May Sarton

Who Am I To Run This Program?

My name is Nicola Bird and I have a background in Psychology, am a Master Transformational Coach, Hay House author, entrepreneur and trained in Human Design, Three Principles and many other modalities. I have shared my approach with hundreds of individuals and organisations such as LinkedIn, Osteobiz and Grow Strong Business and appeared in The Telegraph and The Guardian amongst others.

I’m 52 and a wife, mother, daughter and sister.

I have been on my own journey of intense personal disruption, waking up to my womanhood and making a shift from living in my head to living from my heart. And other women have been (and continue to be) of immense help to me on my journey.

I have learned how to unfold my heart and heal it - and continue to do so every day.

My personal period of disruption has brought me the gift of deep roots, surrender and an ability to hold space of others as they go on their own journeys.

Now it’s my turn to pass on what I have learned to you.

“A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture, and transform.”

— Diane Mariechild

How Does It Work?

We open with the energy of the new moon on Wednesday 8th May on zoom between 6 - 8 pm UK , journeying together for eight weeks.

(Please see FAQs if you are in the Southern Hemisphere.)

There will. be teaching, exercises, a workbook to complete and homework between each session. You’ll also be placed into a small circle of women that will remain your companions throughout the whole journey.

At the end of the journey, you will leave with a clear vision and and practical actions steps to take as we re-write the story of what’s possible for you.

This is not about imagining-up some bright shiny future to strive towards, instead it’s a stripping back of the layers of bullshit accumulated over the years and remembering what you came here to do.

Simple. Grounded. Rooted. Peaceful. Feminine.

Alive. Vibrant. Wise. Embodied. Aligned.

With a sisterhood that will remain with you for years to come.

Book Your Spot

Your investment in Soil & Stardust is £250

Important: Because you will be allocated to a small group of women to journey together, please only register for this program if you can commit to attending all eight calls

“When I have been stuck, cocooned in this life, it was women who came to free me. Women who reminded me what I am made of and what I am becoming. Women, who broke my shell, reached for my hands and pulled me out. Not just to fly again, but fly higher than ever before. There is much beauty, much ancient history in the intuitive network of strength, support and silent sisterhood. Treasure it, as you would a very special gift because that’s what it is, my sisters, that is what it is.”

— Donna Ashworth, Sisterhood

  • Each Wednesday from 6pm - 8pm BST for 8 weeks starting 8th May.

    Please google to find your time zone if you’re not in the UK!

  • If you are in the Southern Hemisphere and not a fan of getting up in the middle of the night to join a program (I get you!) or Wednesdays at 6pm doesn’t work for you and are truly committed to joining, please email me at If there are enough of you, I will add a morning slot to the schedule on Tuesdays from 9am to 11am UK (6pm-8pm Sydney).

  • Yes. There will be part of the session where I will be teaching and part of the call where I will be leading you through exercises designed to facilitate insights and your own embodied learning. There will also be plenty of opportunity for you to ask questions.

  • If this song resonates, this is probably the right program for you.

  • Yes, please do. You will be placed into a small group of women in order to have a peer group to travel this journey with, and so it serves everyone if you can be there to contribute as well as to be supported. That said, if you have to miss a week, I understand! But please only sign up if you are committed to the program - this is not a ‘oh I’ll just catch up on the replays’ kind of thing.

  • Yes, each call will be recorded and made available for you to keep.

  • I’ll send you one simple zoom link which will be the same for every call. This means you can join by laptop, desktop or phone. That’s it!.