What Is Emotional Authority?
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
There is wisdom inherent in all things and our knowing of it comes through our bodies. Not through our heads, as we’ve traditionally been taught to believe, but from deep within our bodies.
Your Authority is how you are designed to make decisions.
This knowing helps us navigate our lives. It lets us know which invitations to respond to, which projects to create, how to help our children and in any area it appears a choice needs to be made. The inner wisdom already knows. Our Authority is the way we access that already known wisdom.
Emotional Authority
Take a look at your Human Design Chart.
If the area you can see here is coloured in, this means you have Emotional Authority.
Emotional Authority/ Sacral Being
Please note: if you have both the Sacral AND the Emotional Solar Plexus defined, as in this image, please read this article instead.
You have Emotional Authority.
This means that you will have an emotional wave that is constantly undulating through your body. This might go from joy to doubt, from melancholy to joy, from hope to hopelessness. And then back to the beginning.
The nature of the emotions felt, and the length of time it takes you to complete one cycle will be unique to you. The cycle could last a day, a week, a month or even a year.
I would invite you to start to notice and know your own. Your journal will be helpful here – perhaps set a timer on your phone each morning and afternoon and make a note of what’s being felt until you get a sense of the nature and length of your cycle.
Emotial Authority doesn’t mean we navigate by our feelings, rather when you are presented with an opportunity and your initial sacral response is 'Uh-huh' (yes) and – you’ll want to check in and see if that answer remains the same throughout the whole of one emotional cycle. Likewise if the answer is ‘Un-unh’ (no), does it remain the same throughout one emotional cycle.
If you find your answer changes over the course of this period, then the answer is ‘no’. At least not now. When you move ahead despite a fluctuating answer, your relationship with this particular matter will repeat that fluctuating commitment for the whole time you are in relationship with it. And of course, this may be part of your soul curriculum – you experiencing this over and over until a deeper truth is seen.
Having Emotional Authority means you are not designed to be spontaneous with your decision-making – rather you need time to go through an emotional wave before you know your right next step.
Patience, my friend.
The answer will often surprise your head, which will then try to argue with the answer that is expressed. That's normal - the mind will give you a conditioned response. Not a truthful one.
The mind will tell you that you need to decide NOW, that ‘waiting out your emotional wave’ is ridiculous and woo woo, that you can’t trust yourself.
What happens wait to ride out the emotional wave, no matter what the head says? Can you trust this wisdom of your body?
Find out for yourself. This is the experiment.