Nicola Bird

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Rest is a Part of our Beautiful Work

I, for one, resist rest.

I yearn for it at night in the form of a long night of deep slumber and it is nearly always denied me.

This often leaves me tired during the day but not always.

Sometimes I’m in my creative flow and I simply forget that I’ve been up since 4am, or spent the night semi-snoozing on the sofa in front of old episodes of Suits. My body can’t fail to be tired, but I don’t notice.

I used to think this was a good thing.

“It’s great that I can power on - give me four hours and I’ll be fine” - was my mantra.

But as I’ve started to become more committed to focussing on the subtle nudges of the sacral to determine the activities of my days, I notice there are often times when there is no enthusiasm for anything. And no desire to “power on through”.

Like today.

Everything is kind of ‘bleh’. I tried painting, there was no joy in it. I tried listening to a training program I usually love, there was no joy in it. No spark.

And then this happens; I see I need rest.

I’m at the office as I write this, but the thought of my sofa with a fire, a book and a blanket fills me with a big hmmmmmm yes. That’s what I’ll be doing when I get home.

I’m learning to appreciate the natural cycles of my creativity.

To roll with them rather than ride over them.

One of the reasons for that is seeing truly how much rest is a vital part of our beautiful work. A vital part of using being able to do what we came here to do.

As a Manifesting Generator, I’m here to build and create the things the world needs. And with my defined sacral, I have a consistent flow of life force energy. A common misunderstanding is that all Generators and Manifesting Generators can go go go like duracell bunnies. And we can. But in order to remain sustainable, that energy is available to us ONLY if we’re acting in response.

Acting in response means following that knowing of the sacral. Doing that which lights us up and we feel almost a physical pull towards. Putting down, for now, anything that doesn’t.

And our sacral contains more wisdom than the mind. It is HOW we know wisdom.

So when we are exhausted (or maybe even before that point) - it will give us a ‘nope’ when we try to engage in our usual pleasures. Or simply remain silent. We don’t have the resources. Our job now is only to rest.

It’s an in-the-moment thing, wisdom. The thing that you had energy for yesterday might be absent today. It knows. You deeply know.

The mind will protest. Especially, as many of us have inescapably been, we have been conditioned to measure our worth by our productivity. The root centre itself is a pressure centre, always leading us to feel we HAVE to complete the to-do list and more.

But still, the sacral knows better.

So we turn to the question of rest. Lying on the sofa watching Netflix is an unappealing image to me. Until those moments it isn’t. And napping during the day has never been my thing.

So I invite you to extend the word.

We can turn to the restorative.

What are we drawn to that means we feel more uplifted at the end of the time spent than before?

YOU don’t have to decide - the sacral knows.

It might look like an afternoon spent watching all the Twilight movies one after another. It might be painting, writing, swimming or taking the dog out into the woods. Talking to a friend or putting the phone in another room to take a break from it entirely. Spending time with your family, or booking yourself into a solo retreat well away from them all.

It’s all a part of our beautiful work.

You see, without the restorative, the sacral can’t guide us to the right next step for us to take. That leaves us at the mercy of the mind or our to-do-list for instructions.

Without the restorative, we can’t remain sustainable to build and create what we came here to build and create. We burn out.

If you have a Projector energy type, you probably already know how important rest is as part of your ability to do you work, hold the energy grid of the planet together and guide.

But us Generator and Manifestor-Generator types can often cast it to one side in the pursuit of our busy-ness. Our creative energies in charge of us instead of the other way round.

Before I hit the sofa, in this moment, I somehow was drawn to write this. And it has proved restorative. I feel more myself at the end of the writing than the beginning. Not ‘on fire and raring to go’ but gentler, softer and more peaceful. Satisfied: the best feeling for a Mani-Gen.

With reverence for the power and knowledge of the wisdom contained within the sacral, I now know it’s time to stop writing here.

So, until next time, lovely readers, I encourage you to honour rest as part of your beautiful work.

Because it’s ALL part of our beautiful work.

Nic xxx

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