What is a Manifesting Generator?
You’ve pulled your Human Design chart and you’ve discovered that the universal energy and intelligence behind all life has chosen to experience life through the body of you as a Manifesting Generator. But what does that even mean?
As. a Manifesting Generator, this means you’re here to do, make and build things in the world of form – if life were one huge garden, you would be building the raised beds, planting the trees, cutting the flowers and mowing the lawn. In short – you are here to work.
Welcome to my world :)
In fact, if you’re ever feeling frustrated, instead of asking yourself ‘Am I working too hard?’, you want to be asking yourself ‘Am I working enough?’.
This was music to my ears when I realised that this is my energy type. I LOVE working. I love bringing things from the formless into the form and watching them make their way out into the world. Creating somethings out of nothing.
Let’s start with the ‘Generator’ part of your type. You’ll notice in your chart that you have a defined, or shaded’ sacral center. This means you have a sustained access to life and work force energy. Unlike non-Generator types that need periods of rest and shorter bursts of activity, you can go and go and go and go, and wake up the next day ready to do it all over again. Holidays, retirement and ‘days off’ are likely uncomfortable for you – the energy inside you needs to be expended each and every day.
However, this energy is only sustainable in the long-term when you are following your strategy.
Your Strategy: Wait to respond. Inform. Then take action.
This simply means that you're much more likely to create a life you enjoy when, as your starting point, you respond to conversations, opportunities or events coming into your word, rather than initiating projects based on good ideas coming into your head.
That might come as a disappointment to you (it did to me) as we’re so strongly conditioned to believe that being proactive, taking the lead and making shit happen is the pathway to achievement and success. And because we CAN use our energy in this way, this conditioning, when unquestioned, can mean we burn out – because it was never designed to be used for initiating.
When, and only when you follow your Strategy, which means you have the go-ahead from the world and you are genuinely responding, you have what is known as a motor to the throat, which means you can then move into action and expression, with no need for anyone else. That internal creative flow will pour out of you – and you need to make sure you have space, time and solitude to do your thing.
Take a moment to pause, inform those that will be affected by your ‘doing time’ to prevent relationship challenges and then go do.
That’s what you were born for.
Developing mastery is your superpower as a Manifesting Generator type. If you are doing what you love, because you have the energy to put into it over and over again, chances are you become very skilled at it, if and this is the kicker, you know how not to quit.
All Generator types have a stair-step learning curve. You bump into something new, it fills you with enthusiasm, your heart responds fully and you’re into action, learning all about it and gaining mastery as you do. Humanity requires this mastery – honour where the heart leads you into new adventures. And there will be plenty of adventures; your Manifesting Generator sacral energy is multi-passionate and will get turned on by many things over the course of a lifetime.
However, after the initial surge in learning and mastery, all Generators will hit a plateau in their learning. Now, if you don’t understand what’s going on here, many Manifesting Generators will feel frustrated and simply jump ship onto the next project.
Definitely speaking from experience here! Is this resonating?
But, and I had never heard this before, that frustration is actually just a sign that you’re on the plateau. That if you can see this as a period of renewal, a requirement to regenerate, then the next stair step of learning will arise and your mastery will deepen still further. The sacral is just recharging its battery, if you like, in order to go for another round.
The key is to discern whether it’s time to quit (and it might be) or ride out the plateau.
How to know? Simple – follow your Authority, which you’ll read about in a moment.
All that sacral energy needs an outlet – you need to burn it off every day.
For me, and this was a gamechanger, I realised that I was not moving my body enough to burn off that energy. I experimented. I increased the speed of my dog walk, I started to get more physical in my garden and upped my swimming to four times a week. And for the first time in over a decade, I started to sleep at night again. My sacral battery was fully discharged every day, and could fully charge again all night long, giving me a steady flow of energy to do what I love to do all the following day.
As Manifesting Generators, we need to go to bed when we are physically tired and not before if we want to rest well.
And if that powerful energy doesn’t get discharged, it will keep us up and night and ricochet around inside the body creating problems with our health.
As with everything in this map – inquire and experiment. Where does this make sense for you?
For all of you that have spent your whole lives being told to relax more, that you should take more breaks, that you shouldn’t buy so many courses, that you shouldn’t start so many projects, that you should finish all the projects you start, and ‘can you every just sit still?’, I hope this is a huge relief for you to hear.
You’re a perfect expression of the intelligence behind the universe using this body-mind of yours to create what want to be experienced in this world of form. It can’t be done without you.
When you’re in your flow, you give off an aura of warmth that is so welcoming, others are drawn into your energy and can’t help but feel some of that when they are with you. You’re not necessarily a team player though, you’re probably pretty fast and can get frustrated with others who can’t keep up with you or who don’t have your levels of energy.
Your ‘not-self’ as it’s called in Human Design is frustration and anger.
When you feel frustration, it’s either because you’re not doing ‘right work’ or because you’re on a plateau.
When you feel anger, it’s because you’ve been interrupted in your creative flow by others being slower than you need them to be, or someone (how very dare they) coming into the room to ask if you need help or a cup of tea. The non-verbal flow is interrupted by the words and there’s a chance the beautiful thing you were birthing is lost to the ether. Uninterrupted time to do your thing is not a luxury. It is essential for you to fulfil your role in service of all humanity.
Frustration and anger are both signs for you to pause, reflect and notice whether there’s anything to do differently here – or whether you simply forgot to inform or are on a plateau in your mastery.
In contract, when you’re aligned with your design, satisfaction will be very present in your day-to-day life.
There is no better feeling for a Manifesting Generator than to have spent a day creating and busy and then going to bed completely physically tired out.
I would invite you to consider becoming more deliberate with how you use that energy of yours though - there is a tendency for Manifesting Generators to be busy with all the things all the time. Your challenge (and mine as a fellow traveller on this journey) is to learn how to harness all that energy rather than having it run you around in circles.
This has long been my favourite quote of all time. Now I have discovered Human Design, I know why. Nothing better describes a Manifesting Generator.
““I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work the more I live. I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no “brief candle” for me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations”. ”
Nicola x
Further Resources for Manifesting Generators
Emotional Manifesting- Generator
If you have both the Sacral and Emotional Solar Plexus defined as in this diagram, head over here to read about your decision making strategy.
Sacral Authority
You have the Sacral defined (that’s part of what makes you a MG, and because you don’t have the Emotional Solar Plexus defined, that gives you Sacral Authority.
Read more about how you’re designed to make decisions here.