Nicola Bird

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Xmas Love Note for Projectors

Please note: I am writing this from my heart and so this may differ from the established viewpoint of traditional human design.

I have a soft spot for you, Projectors.

All three of my children are Projectors, and so was my Mum. It never fails to move me when a Projector discovers Human Design and their energy type and cries as suddenly they find an explanation for why they feel so different to the rest of us.

I notice my kids are always out of sorts around Christmas and it suddenly occurred to me that their Projector energies could well be playing a part in this. So I wanted to write this message/love note to all of you that share this energy with them.

You see, the role of the Projector is not only to guide the rest of us, but it’s also to hold the energy grid of the planet together.

A pretty big job, I would say - protecting the future of humanity. While trying to remember which presents you still have to wrap.

My teenagers all have part-time jobs in retail or hospitality this Christmas, and most of us have been in the shopping centres in the past couple of weeks.

And it’s like Whoville out there. Bright lights, shelves crammed with tat, apple pay dings every few seconds and a frantic search for actual proper Quality Street like you used to buy in the old days and something, anything you can get for Auntie Jean who you don’t even like and you don’t have the money for but hey, it’s Christmas so you what you can do?

The resentment against all of it, and all of them, builds.

And that quality of energy is felt deeply by the Projectors.

Nearly all of us in a heightened state of nerve-jangling fear; a more acute version of the chronic money-lack stress that’s been so pervasive this year, but forced to spend anyway because ‘you have to’.

I’m glad for the shop-owners that COVID is over, but it feels as though we have learned nothing about our rampant consumerism from that wake-up call.

Life removed our freedom to go to shopping centres. That didn’t work. It then removed the means by which we purchase all the future-landfill items (aka “stocking fillers”) but we are so insistent to continue with our old ways that klarna experiences a 32% year-on-year growth.

My sister is a Social Worker in adult mental health and this is one of the busiest times of the year for her. The stark contrast between the image of the happy family sitting round the table on the TV ads and real life just too painful to bear for many as the year comes to a close.

Those of us who are neurodiverse expected to head into social situations over and again with the pressure to smile and ‘be normal.’ Such pressure felt.

And let us not forget the wars and the chronic hunger that have and will be experienced while most of us will be pulling crackers.

It’s discordant.

It grates on the energy system of the Projector because this is not how people are meant to live and you, more than any of us, KNOW it and feel it.

This is why you may be feeling a little miserable, exhausted and bitter.

It’s not you, it’s humanity.

Projectors hold the vision for a quiet, rich, peaceful existence where we remember we are part of the natural world in their DNA.

Where the focus is on profound well-being, rather than how much money you have and how much stuff you can consume.

Where we honour Mother Earth and her resources and realise the truth that there is sufficient for every person to live a productive, peaceful and healthy life.

That is coming - in large part due to the work you are doing simply by being. But this bit seems to be necessary first.

Here’s what you can do:

  1. Understand this is part of your work, and your work is needed. You’re doing this for all of us. Projectors often feel sad and bitter and think there’s something wrong with them for feeling this way. Self-worth plummets and the spiral continues. I hope this helps you realise there IS nothing wrong with you. You are not alone. I imagine you all as Projectors like a grid of connected lights all around the world casting a net over us all. Holding us all. Thank you.

  2. Take time to rest. No, you’re not ‘being lazy’. It’s tiring holding the energy of the planet together when the pace is at a heightened state of frenetic-ness. and discord is widely felt. Watching The Grinch is GREAT for this. No, you don’t need to go help in a soup-kitchen to be of service (though you can). Simply by being you, you are doing the work.

  3. If you feel you are not being heard at this busy time and feeling bitter, wait to be invited to speak. Those who recognise the value you bring to conversation will draw you in. It isn’t everyone who will recognise your value - you’re a bit like marmite that way. But those who love what you bring, REALLY love and appreciate what you bring. And those are your people. Cherish them.

  4. Take time out from others. The Generator and Manifesting Generators are running round doing all the things and you take in their sacral energy and amplify it - which is great if you have short bursts of activity (sitting round the table for Xmas lunch or visiting relatives, for example) but then you need time alone to discharge all that energy - it isn’t yours. Take some time to lie down - even just 10 minutes in a horizontal position will release it from your system.

That’s all I wanted to say and why I felt compelled to get up a 5am to write this love letter to you all this Christmas Eve, in case you needed to hear it today. To tell you that I appreciate you. That I’m thinking of you.

Please let me know below if this resonates, I’m curious why I felt such urgency to write this.

Rest up, my Projector friends, My heart is with you.

May you have a peaceful festive period and a successful 2024,

All my love,

Nic x