Nicola Bird

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What is a Projector?

You’ve pulled your Human Design chart and you’ve discovered that the universal energy and intelligence behind all life has chosen to experience life through the body of you as a Projector. But what does that even mean?

You, my friend, are about to discover how precious you are.

For years, you have probably judged yourself against the standards of mainstream society to initiate action, work hard and produce tangible results that will then count as ‘achievement’. You likely struggled to stay focussed all day in school and if you managed to stay in full time education or work, you may well have retreated to your room at the end of the day, desperately in need of alone time and tired, unlike the other people in your family and friend group, who would simply keep going after they got home.

You might have picked up the idea through these comparisons with others that you just don’t have what it takes – that you’re flawed in some way. You may well have been directly told (or picked up the unsaid message) by parents and teachers that you’re not measuring up. That you’re lazy, difficult or that there’s something wrong with you.


You’re a Projector.

I hope that’s a huge relief for you to read. A life-changing realisation for you.

You see, you were not put on this planet to be like all the others. You are a rare gem.

Let’s take a look at how precious you are.

As a Projector, you have been placed here on this place on earth at this time, with these people to be our guides.

You are the future leaders of humanity itself.

You contain within you such wisdom and knowing, attuned to the needs of the world and it’s you’re the energy of your being-ness – and NOT your doing-ness that is the value you bring to the whole human puzzle.

70% of the world fall into the Generator and Manifesting Generator energies. They are here to work hard and build the things the world requires. They’re built for it. And being in a classroom, workplace or family where you’ve been surrounded by so much of their energies and expectations, taking them in and amplifying this life force energy has misled you into believing you should be the same.

The truth is, you don’t have access to a natural sustainable life force energy, you’re not designed for the 9-5.

And here’s the secret to unlocking this key in your life.

Wait to be recognised and wait for the invitation.

You’re not for everyone. Not everyone will recognise how precious you are and the gifts to have to offer. But to some you are absolutely essential.

When you stop pushing and trying and going out there and trying to get, you become magnetic – to the RIGHT people and opportunities for you. They come to you. And they will invite you to guide them, because they recognise how valuable you are.

The waiting is counter to the way our education and society encourages us to be. We’re trained that the way to ‘success’ is to have ideas, jump into action and go initiate and build our creations in the world.

It might be totally alien to you, this concept of waiting. Passive, even. There may be a fear that if you stop pushing, nothing will happen (and you’ll end up a destitute bag lady with your children living under a bridge, or whatever the equivalent is for you, is where these thoughts take us).

But the invitation the Dragonfly is extending to you right now is to start experimenting with waiting. And observe what happens.

That’s the first, but necessary, step.

Stop initiating.

Stop opening conversations with your children.

Stop creating new offerings for your clients that they have never asked you for.

Stop texting that man in the hope that he will respond with messages of love.

Pull out your journal and make a note of all the places in your life that you’re initiating. And experiment with stopping.

Fear will arise – that’s natural. That’s conditioning. But, if you’re willing, this is an opportunity to transcend your conditioning in service of honouring what you truly have to share with the world.

Stop initiating. And in it’s place……wait. And enjoy going about your life while you do so.

Wait for the child to start the conversation with you.

Wait for the email to arrive into the inbox from a person who, through seemingly mysterious means, has heard about you and would like to know more about how they could work with you.

Wait for the man to message you with an invitation to spend time together.

You see, it’s only in the waiting that the opportunities for you will begin to materialise. You can’t see them from where you are sitting right now, because you are still in the energy of initiating. And, this might be hard to hear, but, sweetheart, you need to hear it. When you are initiating, you give off a repellent aura which will lead to you being rejected by the other.

The place you will likely most remember this is from school days. Those girls you wanted to be friends with, that every time you tried to crack a joke or say something interesting in the hopes of being included, they turned their backs slightly and pushed you out.


You simply didn’t understand what you were put on this planet to do, and the strategy with which to bring the world to you so we can benefit from your gifts.

When you wait, your energy goes from repellent to magnetic. It draws people and opportunities towards you unstoppably. And then – when you read the section about Authority, you’ll know which ones to say yes to.

That’s it.


Respond to the invitations.

There are some challenges you will face – we’ve covered some above but let’s dive deep into them now.

1. Not knowing how precious you are

Because of those school yard experiences, because of not fitting in with the mainstream, because your attempts to initiate have fallen flat in the past, it may well be that your self-worth is low.

When that happens, we often then act from an unconcsious agenda of trying to prove our worth by initiating even more. More repelling and self-worth plummets even more. My hope for you is that when you read your Dragonfly Map, it starts to dawn on your how special and valuable your role here with us all is.

And as you sink back into that the downward spiral starts to uncoil and reverse. As you start to appreciate and recognise your gift, so will others. And only then can others.

2. Not having access to sustainable work-force energy

If you take a look at your chart, you’ll see you have an open sacral centre. That’s because you’re a Projector. Working long hours is simply not sustainable for the way the energies of the universe flow through your body.

Instead, through your own experimentation, you may well find that building in periods of rest is a necessity for you during the day – and the traditional 9-5 working hours may not work as well for you as an environment where you are ‘on’ for short periods and then ‘off’ for periods of time.

The risk of attempting to work long hours every day is burnout and health issues, especially when you are so disconnected from your Projector design that you can’t tell when enough is enough. This is what happens when we try to use any system in a way that is counter to how it is designed.

3. Needing to create time to discharge the energy of others

When we have an open sacral centre, we pick up and amplify the energy of others around us. If you spend a great deal of your day around Generators and Manifesting Generators (and remember most people are), you’ll need time to ‘discharge’ their energy from your system by spending time alone. Try sleeping alone, if that’s possible for you. But however you do it, experiment with building in ‘alone’ time and observe what happens. Again, having all that energy that isn’t yours ricocheting around inside your body for protracted periods of time can impact your health, so discharging it through rest and solitude is vital.

4. Problems with the flow of money

Re-thinking how you create and live in a flow where your financial requirements are met is also something to consider.

The ‘old’ model of showing up and working all day every day is not for you. Instead, creating a way of money flowing into your life whether you are ‘on’ or ‘off’ can be helpful to really help you relax into being ‘off’ when you’re ‘off’. Passive income streams, investment income, recurring revenues can all be things to consider here.

5. Relationship challenges

As a much misunderstood and undervalued type, you may have relationship challenges because others perceive you as ‘flaky’ or can’t understand why your energy levels seem to fluctuate. Others may not understand why you need time alone and in a world geared to ‘doing-ness’, not value that the gift you bring is in your ‘being-ness’. Show them your Dragonfly Map if you feel that is appropriate. Or not. There is a role for Projectors in deeply understanding and aligning with their own design, which is then reflected in how others interact with them, without you ever having to say a word.

6. Needing to find the ‘right’ people so that your value can be realised

As a projector you’re here to guide others. But you might need support to do that. Part of your role is to experiment with being in different places and with different people in order that the ‘right’ people and opportunities can recognise and invite you. For example, as you go about enjoying your life, you might find yourself drawn to an art class where the person next to you strikes up a conversation and then invites you to coffee. You respond with a ‘yes’ to the invitation then when you go, you meet another woman who asks you to share what you do for work. You tell her, and she invites you to speak at a group she is hosting the following week. By following your Strategy (wait for the invitation) and Authority (to know which invites to say yes or no to), you’ll be taken to the ‘right’ people and opportunities.

7. Struggling with the simplicity of this and trying to complicate it!

Our minds are brilliant at putting pressure on us to figure things out. They cannot believe that ‘Wait for the invitation’ is all that’s required, so they will muddy the waters with over-thinking, over-analysing, self-doubt and worrying. That’s OK – it’s also part of the conditioning.

8. Bitterness

When you have no idea of the gifts you bring, neither can the world Thus you are filled with bitterness as the world seems to reject you over and over again. As you start to align with your Projector design, the gratitude for the gifts expand, the rejections start to dissolve and the bitterness fades. And when it appears, it is welcomed as your particular signal that you’ve slipped back into intiating again, you’re trying to work more hours than your energy can handle, or the conditioning of trying to prove your value is subsconsiously running the show again, and is here to be healed even more deeply. Bitterness shifts from being a feeling to be numbed and rejected to one to be invited in with the gifts it has to offer you.

The Dragonfly Map is an invitation to experiment. To see where the conditioning arises (you’ll know it’s making itself known every time you struggle), in order for it to be healed and our energies freed up to follow our design.

Imagine this: a beautiful cat, stretched out on the sofa, then taking a stroll through the garden to sun herself on the patio. And then your human calling your name and offering you her lap. So nourishing to your soul, your heart filled with love for the appreciation your human is giving you, knowing the gift you are giving here simply by your very being with her

So nourishing to your soul, your heart filled with love for the appreciation your human is giving you, knowing the gift you are giving here simply by your very being with her.. Once you both have what you need, back you go to enjoying your life again, just being you, confident that when your human needs you again, she’ll invite you.

More like that, than how you might be currently be living life.

The energies behind life itself are breathing you into form with the design to work in this way; there are no mistakes.

Who you are is already perfect.

I, for one, can’t wait to meet you.

If this resonates, I’d like to invite you to have a look at my masterclass for Projector women. This is has been designed for those of you who are navigating your late 40s, 50s or early 60s and are curious to know how an understanding of your Human Design can support you as you journey over the threshold into mid-life and beyond.

You can find that here.

I hope to connect with you there,

Nicola x

PS., Have you read ‘Decision-Making for Projectors’?